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Assessing and optimising your organisation’s energy consumption

to increase productivity and reduce operational costs

whilst reducing carbon emissions and environmental impact.

Chemical Plant

The International Energy Agency recognises energy efficiency as a key plank in the global energy transition and is often referred to as "the fifth fuel".

Energy efficiency programs have multiple benefits and can result in both reduced costs and reduced emissions, as well as benefits in employee engagement and social license. 

engeco's consultants can implement robust energy efficiency programs that will endure into the future by being embedded within company systems and enable companies to take control of their energy management and continually improve performance. These are based on ISO 50001. We have experience in energy management and identification of opportunities for mining, oil and gas, chemicals, heavy and light industrial and in built environment. We also have Certified Energy Managers if required.

engeco has tools that can be customised to allow for ongoing energy monitoring and analysis of the energy consumption of facilities. These trends are then used to identify the key energy users in a facility and assist with the identification of energy savings opportunities. Process engineers at engeco are able to complete high level design and evaluate business cases for these opportunities; providing recommendations as to the best opportunities to pursue. All costs and benefits are included to provide a whole-of-business approach to evaluation.

engeco can also present a suite of projects in the form of marginal abatement curves for carbon or energy - providing an easy to understand pictorial representation of results.

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